Abstract Submission Rules and Guidelines

In order to send an abstract please choose one option regarding this platform

−    To submit abstracts, at least one author has to register on the website.
−    Abstracts must be submitted by Friday 23rd February. Abstracts submitted after this date will not be accepted.
−    Abstracts should be submitted exclusively through the conference website.
−    The registration fee entitles you to present only one abstract.
−    Extreme care must be taken when entering personal and institutional data, as these data will appear automatically in the book of abstracts of the conference without any prior editing process. Abbreviations of personal and institutional names should be avoided.
−    Once the deadline for submission of abstracts has passed, NO changes of authors will be accepted. The authors will appear on the certificate in the same order and format as in the abstract submitted.
−    All papers whose speaker has not registered by 15 May 2024 may be withdrawn from the Conference programme.
−    Authors have the option to provide an extended 2-page abstract, after the acceptance of the short abstract.

All the scientific contributions must be submitted through the abstract submission system in the conference website, after an account has been created. Use your account user and password to submit your abstract through the submission system. Submission is accepted prior to registration to the conference, but any accepted abstract will not be included in the final programme if the presenter is not registered before the deadline of the registration period (15 May 2024). The abstracts shall be submitted exclusively through the online portal. Fax, e-mail or other ways of abstract submission WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

Read carefully the following abstract guidelines before preparing your abstract.

- Topics: abstracts should be sent indicating the Topic to which they correspond.

- Authors: must indicate their name, surname, place of work, address and e-mail.

•    There is no maximum number of authors.
•    The main author will be the speaker and therefore the one presenting the paper. To edit this information, please click on the edit button and choose the option "Speaker".
•    For the purposes of the organization, the main author will be the person responsible for the work and, therefore, the one who receives the notifications and information in the personal area "MY CONGRESS" of the website.

- Extension: the abstract should have a maximum extension of 250 words. There is no minimum extension, but consider that the acceptation will be based in the evaluation of the submitted abstract.

•    You can write directly the text in the box or paste a pre-writing text. Special characters (Greek, symbols, super/subscript, etc.) will be kept.
•    Keywords: a maximum of 3 keywords should be included.

The submission of the extended abstract should be done after the acceptance of the short abstract
You can download the Extended Abstract template HERE

Topics: extended abstracts should be sent indicating the Topic to which they correspond.

Authors: must indicate their name, surname, place of work, address and e-mail. There is no maximum number of authors.

Extension: the extended abstract should have a maximum extension of 2 pages. You can write directly the text in the box or paste a pre-writing text. Special characters (Greek, symbols, super/subscript, etc.) will be kept.

Keywords: a maximum of 5 keywords should be included.

Figures and Tables: figures and tables can be added. They will be uploaded as JPG files. The maximum size of figures and tables should be 16 x 9 cm (width x height). Captions of figures and tables will be included in the corresponding text box, including “Image X” at the beginning of the text.

The use of different sections it is not mandatory, but it is advisable. These sections can include, as examples, Introduction, Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions, and References.

References: in-text citations of the references should be made using numbers in square brackets in line with the text [1-5]. The list of the references should be in a separate section (“References”).

For any doubts or queries regarding the submission of papers via the website, please contact the Congress Secretariat (icshm2024@viajeseci.es).